Sunday, 31 August 2014

Day dreaming . . .

We woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine warming the world around us, and ventured off into the local woods with camera's to take advantage of the last of the summer sun. It seems all the flora and fauna had the same idea as us, and we passed many an hour sat in the flowers watching the bees and the butterflies all around us.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Every morning in the van . . .

The recent cold turn in the weather makes it very clear that summer once more is drawing to a close. It's time to dig out the thermal underwear, stoke up the bonfire and grab a cup of something hot and chocolatey!!!

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Out and about . . .

Out and about . . . from The Muffin and The Unicorn on Vimeo.

The sun is shining, the bikes are loaded, our favourite Van-Venture playlist is on, and there's miles of clear road ahead of us. Where shall we go, and what shall we do . . .